
How to enable cPanel SSL

You should secure your website and emails with our free AutoSSL certificate in your cPanel account. If the domain name is newly registered, please allow up to an hour before trying to generate the SSL certificate.

Here are the steps on how to enable cPanel SSL/TLS status:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. Click on the "Security" icon.
  3. Click on the "SSL/TLS Status" icon.
  4. In the "Enable SSL/TLS Status" section, select the checkbox next to "Enable SSL/TLS Status."
  5. Click on the "Save" button.

Once you have enabled SSL/TLS status, you can view the status of your SSL certificates in the "SSL/TLS Status" table. The table will show you the following information for each SSL certificate:

  • Domain name
  • Certificate type
  • Status
  • Expiration date

If you have any problems enabling SSL/TLS status, you can contact your hosting provider for assistance.

Here are some additional benefits of enabling SSL/TLS status:

  • Security: SSL/TLS encrypts the data that is transferred between your website and your visitors' browsers. This helps to protect their personal information from being stolen or misused.
  • Trust: Visitors are more likely to trust your website if it has a valid SSL certificate. This is because SSL certificates use a secure protocol to encrypt data, which helps to protect visitors' privacy.
  • Search engine ranking: Google and other search engines give preference to websites that have a valid SSL certificate. This is because SSL certificates help to create a more secure browsing experience for users, which is something that search engines value.

If you are not already using SSL/TLS, I encourage you to enable it. It is a simple and effective way to improve the security and trustworthiness of your website.


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